Spinlock ZS Jammers

Spinlock Sailboat Jammers – ZS Jammers

Spinlock ZS Power Jammer’s intended use is for high loads. This jammer has an unrivaled performance for larger diameters and high loads with the advantage of winch controlled release. The new digitally modelled jaw surfaces hold high tech rope securely at its safe working load of up to 4000 kg (8820 lbs) for the largest version. The ZS jammer has been newly styled to match the XTS, CXS, and XX clutches. In addition to the new look, the performance on smaller diameter lines and handle ergonomics have improved.

The ZS Carbon Power Jammer is lightweight jammer for high loads. Their intended purpose is for ultimate load holding and minimal product weight. They have an ultra lightweight, super strength body for lines from 10 to 32 mm with a safe working load up to 12,000 kg (26,460 lbs) for the largest version.

New custom, digital jaws are now available for the ZS series powerjammers. The digital jaw surfaces are specifically designed to match rope covers and offer more consistent holding for longer. The different version available are the P-Series jaws for Dyneem core and Polyester covers, the H-Series jaws fro Dyneema core and cover made from a blend of Polyester and other materials such as Technore or Vectran, and the HC-Series jaws that have a ceramic finish which resists the polishing and wear of grip surfaces.

High load performance, high gripping surface area.
Easy on-deck service access.
High visibility handle labels available.
Side mount using existing holes in jammer body.

SAILUTIONS, your direct access to Spinlock Sailboat Jammers – ZS Jammers and all your other sailing and boating needs.

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