Spinlock ZR Jammers

Spinlock Sailboat Jammers – ZR

Spinlock ZR Jammer is a winch release jammer. This new generation inhands free in jammer technology is for production yachts. It has the ability to hold three line sizes including 10, 12 and 14 mm ropes. It can hold 50% more line load than the XTS clutch. The footprint of the ZR jammer matches that of the XX clutch that allows for a simple upgrade for higher loads or release functionality. This particular jammer is kinder on ropes than a clutch. Can be used with the Spinlock remote RLB spring technology to allow the jammer to be primed for release using the GRIP switch. The ZR is recommended for highly loaded halyards where precise line tension is critical, applications where the ability to release under load is not required, and reducing the risk of crew injury from accidental release of the highly loaded line. It is not recommended for uses where the line needs constant adjustment, any lines that must be instantly releasable under load, or for use with smaller line diameter racing applications.


Available in single units only.
Controlled release action: always safely from the winch.
Easy access fastener holes.
High tensile fasteners (M8 x 60mm A4-70) nuts and washers supplied.
New Overload Protection technology.
Replaceable jaw cartridge accessed with a single screw.

SAILUTIONS, your direct access to Spinlock Sailboat Jammers – ZR and all your other sailing and boating needs.

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