
Selden Snap Shackle – Low Friction 10mm Pin


A brilliant solution for any application you want to attach and remove quickly, for example runners and check stays. Just replace the standard shackle with a snap shackle.

The low friction new snap shackel has a big, well rounded loop allowing the rope to slide with low friction. Compared to a regular snatch block, this shackle is lighter, easier to operate and lower cost.

Typical applications are barber haulers for spinnaker and jibs but also to tension a Seldén CX with 2:1 purchase. This not only makes for better performance but it also makes it easier to connect the Seldén CX to a bowsprit, from the foredeck. The shackle is made of high strength Duplex steel and has a quality mirror finis.

Our Part # SEL30743701R | Selden Part # 307-437-01R


Dimensions: 80
Pin Dia: 10 mm
Weight: 278 g
Safer Working Load: 2500 kg
Breaking Load: 5000 kg
Combine With: PBB 80, RBB 80, Selden CX25





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